The Problem: I have a Soap Response, and I have to modify that xml such that I insert a new XML node into response. The new XML is a string that I can declare in a groovy script or I can retrieve from a property.
Few exceptions I encountered while trying to solve the problem: CData missing, can not add external document, Can not add groovy Node class to java Node class, viceversa and etc etc etc
Hints to solve the problem on internet: There are many websites that provides sample which helps to solve a particular case, but could not exactly find the one I present here. The most useful one was here "" where in the coments he gives sample related to owner doc and importing into it.
Lets say you have a soap request and response in a test step of a test case. The body of the response is like below.<Traveler xmlns="">
<Customer BirthDate="2001-01-01">
<Person Language="EN-US">
<Email Type="HOM" Address=""/>
And I want add a new XML node Payment to Customer. Lets say his payment information like credit card number which is an XML fragment like below. Later I will add the card number to it.
def pay="""<Payment>
<Card Type="INTERNATIONAL" Vendor="VISA" Number="">
Huntsville Townhall
<Issuer Name="Bank of Nowhere"/>
Create a new property transfer from Traveler xml in the Soap Response to copy the Customer node to a TestCase property "customer". You can do that by using the below configuration in a new Propperty transfer step after the Soap RQ/RS step.
Source: SoapRequestStepName Property: Response
declare namespace ns1='';
Target: TestCaseName Property: nodeCustomer
Add a new test step with groovy script called updatePaymentInXML. First step is to create a XmlHolder for the source XML Traveler and extract Customer node out of it.
def getXmlHolder(){
def groovyUtils = new context )
def nodeCustStr=testRunner.testCase.getProperty("nodeCustomer").getValue() "Pre Update: " + nodeCustStr
def holder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder(nodeCustStr)
holder.namespaces["ex"] =""
return holder
Next lets get the Customer node from it as a Node.
def holder = getXmlHolder()
def nodeCustomer = holder.getDomNode("//ex:Customer")
Next lets insert payment in the customer node.
def insertPaymentInCustomer(holder, nodeCustomer, pay){
def ownerDoc=nodeCustomer.getOwnerDocument()
def payHolder=new
payHolder.namespaces["ex"] =""
def nodePay = payHolder.getDomNode("//ex:Payment")
def importedNodePay=ownerDoc.importNode(nodePay, true)
holder.updateProperty() "Post Update: " + holder.getXml()
insertPaymentInCustomer(holder, nodeCustomer, pay)
Things to note in the above snippet is that we get the owner document and import the newly extracted Payment xml node from the xml string using a new XmlHolder instance. Lets add the card number to it.
def updateCCNumberInHolder(holderIn, ccNumberIn){
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("nodeCustomerUpdated",holderIn.getXml()) "Post Update: " + holderIn.getXml()
updateCCNumberInHolder(holder, testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("ccNumber"))
Now, the holder.getXml() gives you the latest XML with updated Payment and cc number in it. Test case property nodeCustomerUpdated has the all updated XML that you can use.
Hi This may help you