
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Releasing chrome extension for UptimeRobot monitor

I have developed an opensource chrome browser extension to enable easy integration with Uptime Robot API's and monitor server/monitor statuses using chrome browser. This extension helps one to see server stats and get notification while the chrome browser is on.


  • Server up and down desktop notifications.
  • Immediate visible server up and down notifications in the extension browser action icon.
  • Group monitors to see them separated in the extension display.
  • Options and data stored using chrome storage sync API allowing it to be sync'ed between chrome's if signed in.
  • Uses jquery.plugin.uptimeRobotMonitor to provide a beautiful visualization of server status and statistics related to 1 day,7 day and all time server uptime percentages.
  • Uses only Monitor API keys (not Account API keys) and hence trustable and secure.
Check for more new features and contribute to source at the project site. Download by clicking on the image below.

 Chrome Webstore

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Releasing my first android app "Unlock Alert"

A project I started to learn android ended up in a full fledged app that can be used by many. I am releasing this app today on Google Play Store. 
Visit website to find out about the app and download it. Please remember to rate/comment it. The app has been in beta testing for some time now and is pretty stable. But since "things" happens, do let me know if it doesn't work or crashes on your device at google groups. I would like to get together and debug/solve the issue.
If you rather just download it, then here it is:

Download From Play