
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some usefull registry tweaks for developer!

To get command prompt on the right click:

1. Open regedit.exe from Run menu

2. Navigate to


and create a key called "Command Prompt".

3. Set the default string to "Command Prompt" or simply "CMD", since this text will come when you right click on a FOLDER.

4. Create a new key within the newly created command prompt named "command," and set the default string to

cmd.exe /k pushd %L

5. Refresh By pressing F5.

PS: This works on NT based System. Also, the right click should be on a FOLDER. If you open the folder and the click on the screen area, then it won't work.

To Get Tabbed browsing in Command Prompt:

1. Open regedit.exe from Run menu

2. Navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Command Processor

3. Set PathCompletionChar = 0X9

4. Set CompletionChar = 0X9

PS: 0X9 is Hex digit 9.

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